The summer is approaching fast, and I don’t know about you, but for me that means no school and lots of alcohol. And while being drunk is fun, freeing and festive, hangovers are not. Here I have collected some of the things you should eat or drink when you’re hung over and cuddles up under a mountain of blankets – enjoy!
Water: You already knew that one, didn’t you. If you’re not too drunk, drink a glass of water before bed, that will balance out your body’s fluid balance. If you’re too pissed to do that, drink a large glass of water when you wake up. Water helps your body hydrate. So extra thumbs up to water!
Fruit juice: When having hangovers your blood sugar levels will be quite low and that might contribute to your headache. Fruit juice contains natural sugar (if you buy the right kind, that is!) and will give your body the kick it needs and it may even help to boost the metabolism so your body can get rid of the nasty chemicals faster. It also hydrates your body and contains vitamins.
Tea: Tea, what the hell can’t it do?! Tea is a wonderdrink, so of course it’s good for hangovers. Especially ginger or peppermint tea will work wonders for your pounding head.
Pickle juice: Nasty? Yes. Have I ever tried it? No. Does it work? Probably? But if you look upon this advice scientifically, it actually makes sense. Pickle juice contains vinegar, salt and water, which can all help rehydrate and replenish sodium levels. You can drink some before you hit the city and some the morning after. BONUS: You can actually get it as an ice pop ...
I know, you think your body is craving a big, fat slice of greasy pizza or a burger. But actually, what your body needs is healthy stuff – all the things you don’t feel like eating but should.
Bananas: Bananas are loaded with potassium, which gets flushed out with the water when the alcohol dehydrates your body. Not enough potassium can make you feel nauseous and tired – sounds familiar? Other potassium-loaded foods are spinach and kiwi.
Eggs: Eggs are super good for you, hung over or not. They contain a butt load of protein that will stabilize the blood sugar levels, and also distribute to the lever functions. Go egg!
Crackers and honey: Sounds odd? It actually isn’t. Honey is full of antioxidants and fructose in a concentrated form, which will flush out the remaining toxic chemicals faster. The cracker doesn’t really have a function on its own – it’s just there to guide the honey down.
Noodles: It’s not exactly healthy, but noodles contain a lot of sodium, something your body is lacking after a wild night out. Also, water.
Vegetables: Most vegetables contain cysteine, which gives the lever a boost – much needed I may add.
Ginger: Ginger is a well-known cure for nausea and settling an upset stomach – AKA great for hangovers. I’m not saying you should begin eating raw ginger slices – that’s just not pleasant -but a slice of in your tea or some in a smoothie will do wonders. Ginger biscuits will also do the job!
Watermelon: Tons of water and vitamins – just what your body needs. Watermelon is also high in fructose.
I hope you will find this useful and that you’ll all have a fantastic summer!