Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Creepypasta Recommended #1 - Technology

Do you love the technology? Your television, computer and phone? It did something good to the world, didn’t it? Oh, what wonders have come out of it! Everything we see and hear today has probably come in touch with technology at one point.

But have you ever thought of the consequences of these lovely wonders? There’s always a bad side to the good. Always a negative to the positive. You may not see it in the beginning. You may not ever see it. But it is there. Lurking and ready to show whenever the timing is there.

 Wonders can so easily turn into horrors.
Horrors that will come and haunt you – till you feel that all sanity has left your body. It will come for you, and attack at your most vulnerable moments, draining your will to live.

This Wednesday will be a creepypasta day! Today I will be recommending a creepypasta I read last week! For those of you who don’t know what a creepypasta is:

A creepypasta is usually a short story containing scary elements with the point of disturbing or creeping out the reader – sometimes with a nice twist added in the end. It is not the typical horror stories, since they often deviate from the classical horror elements, and they can also be accompanied with video files or pictures.
Many of the popular creepypastas were posted on message boards all around the internet, having people forwarding them, and they were shared that way. Therefore it can sometimes be hard to tell whether the creepypasta is a true story or just pure fiction.

To have a more detailed description of what creepypastas are, you can go to this link: 

The other day I read a very popular creepypasta with many titles; “Ben Drowned”, “Majora’s Mask”, “Haunted Majora’s Mask cartridge” and the simple title “Ben”. I’m going to go with the last one.

Source: Unknown
[Spoilers – You have been warned]
The story “Ben” is told by a guy called Jadusable. When visiting different garage sales, he stumbles upon the Legend of Zelda game – Majora’s Mask.
He starts playing, and sees that another game has already been saved - with the name “Ben”. He starts up a new game and soon forgets about the other one. As he is playing, he feels like trying out a well-known glitch in the game which lets the player have one more day to complete a certain mission. Things do not go as he had expected though, and the game starts acting weird, having some really creepy glitches.
Jadusable keeps playing – and as more disturbing stuff appears - he gets more and more terrified by the game. The game is soon known to be “haunted” by a boy called Ben who drowned and died – and Ben haunts Jadusable both through the game and computer creating havoc in Jadusable’s life.

The story is very long – I spent most of my day reading it, but since it caught my attention right away and kept hold on me till the end, it could have much longer for what I care. You might be thinking; the story is about a Legend of Zelda game? Is that going to be scary at all? And to answer that; Well, you may or may not have played the Legend of Zelda game Majora’s Mask, and may or may not have found it interesting when playing it.

Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask
Source: Unknown
As for myself, I have never played any kind of Legend of Zelda game (which is probably bad upbringing, but oh well) and I found this story terrifying! I had problems sleeping after reading it, and my paranoia went right to the top, making me jump at every little sound and having me observe every movement made by my very still furniture and non-living stuff.
It might just be me, but the creepypasta must be so popular for a reason, right?
As if the written description of the stuff that happened in the game wasn’t enough, our so-called Jadusable even posted videos of the game play showing everything exactly as it was described.

“Ben” is a great example of how technology can turn out to be something horrifying and feared. The boy Ben chooses to act like a virus in Jadusable’s computer – watching everything Jadusable does, deleting posts on the internet, and maybe even writing some itself. Who knows – maybe it was even Ben who made this whole story up?

Even though the story may not be real – it still makes you rethink how much you trust the technology in this world. You might just be the next victim.

Read the creepypasta “Ben” here:

That was all I had for today. I hope you enjoyed my first real post on Funny little features – even though it was a rather dark topic, ha ha! If you know any good creepypastas, be sure to say in the comments! I’m always open to a new scare!

I apologize for any wrong or mistaken information.
I will see you next Wednesday!


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