Nah, just kidding! Here's my answers and the questions!
1. Do you have a favourite theatre? Which one, and why?
I haven't been to a lot of theatres but Det Ny Teater (the New Theatre) in the middle of Copenhagen is pretty cool and definitely a place I could imagine Phantom living in. It has everything from the chandelier, the grand stairwells to the small corners and lots of doors. I also really like Østre Gasværk mainly because it's a place you wouldn't instantly think about being ideal for theatre. It got this really gritty, raw and medieval look. It's really one of the coolest theatres we have in Denmark, and the two shows I've watched there (HAIR being one of them) was absolutely fantastic. They really know how to work that stage and to take advantage of their building - I love it! Just look at this picture of the scene:
2. At the moment, would you rather watch a comedy or a tragedy?
Really depends on how it's done. I'd rather watch a really well-made tragedy than a bad comedy and vice versa. But right now I think I need a little cheering up to be honest. Something to get really lost in and something to make me laugh.
3. The funniest show or performance you’ve ever seen?
I haven't exactly seen it yet; only half of a crappy bootleg, but I have to say Book of Mormon. That is some funny sh*t - even if you only listen to the soundtrack. God, I love those songs! Hasa diega eebowai! ;)
4. The saddest show or performance you’ve ever seen?
I think it's Spring Awakening - that scene with Melchior in the graveyard (if you've seen the show, you know what I'm talking about) kills me every time. And the fate of a certain character. Beautiful and yet so incredibly tragic.
5. Who is your favorite musical actors/actresses?
Without a doubt Sierra Boggess, Laura Osnes, Idina Menzel, Ramin Karimloo and Jonathan Groff - eff yeah!
6. Your favourite stage door photo or memory?
Sadly I haven't stage-doored yet (if that's even a verb) - but wait and see. After this summer I might have a photo or two to show you! ;)
7. Do you prefer an grand or simple musical - design-wise? Why?
I love Phantom because everything about is so grand - from the set-pieces to the costumes ... even the songs are as well! On the other hand I'm extremely fascinated about how a simple show can convey so many emotions (Spring Awakening and Next To Normal are good examples of this) and tell a story without needing a lot of props. That's magical. In general I just like something that has been put a lot of thought in!
8. The most memorable performance you’ve ever been to?
The Lion King in London's West End. That show gave me some SERIOUS CHILLS throughout the whole thing and it was just beyond magical; the costumes, songs, story and the set-pieces. Wauw. If you ever go to London and don't know what to watch The Lion King is a very, very safe and good choice: You will get blown away. I guarantee you.
9. Is there a movie you’d like to see adapted to a musical?
I'd love to see Pride and Prejudice, actually. I know people has been talking about making one, but it hasn't happened yet (not that I know of, that is). But I don't really know, most of my favorite movies are actually musicals and those who aren't... well, I can't really see them becoming musicals.
10. How about a musical you’d like to see onscreen?
Can they make a remake of the Phantom of the Opera-movie? Pleeeease? I'd also REALLY like seeing Wicked as a movie (and yes, Idina Menzel has to repeat her rose af Elphaba - all your arguments are invalid! SHE IS NOT TOO OLD TO DO IT) and Spring Awakening as well. I think Spring Awakening could be a really powerful movie and something that'd be remembered and watched forever. Next to Normal could be a good choice as well!
11. What is the last stage show you saw? Review it in three sentences.
A bootleg of Cinderella. I loved how they twisted the story. Laura Osnes is the most beautiful and talented human being. Gorgeous, funny, lovely and epic musical with astounding costume changes!
12. A show you’d recommend to everybody?
Next to Normal. I think it's a show everyone will love plus it deals with some very difficult issues and make you just think about life in general.
13. A show you wouldn’t recommend to your worst enemy?
The Danish version of Shrek: The Musical. No... Just no. But! I'm quite sure it had to do with the venue - Forum doesn't do anything good for a musical - because I've seen something from the Broadway version of the show where it looked quite good and more intimate.
14. A show you’re ashamed to admit you like?
Oh God... I don't know. Phantom of the Opera maybe? Not that it's a secret, but I think my love for it is kind of intense and only a few people know how much I actually LOVELOVELOVE it. Also, I enjoy the music of the show A LOT even though it's quite operatic, and sometimes I feel a bit ashamed when blasting it as loud as possible I find myself hoping no one hears that I'm listening to Carlotta screaming her head off in Poor Fool He Makes Me Laugh.
15. How important are visuals for you? Can you enjoy a show with good acting but ugly visuals? Or can good visuals save an otherwise bad show in your eyes?
Neither. A good show is always one where everything is thought through. Everything has to go up into a higher unity in order to succeed.
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One of my favorite stage designs - from Matilda: The Musical |
16. What is the prettiest show you’ve ever seen?
Without a doubt The Lion King and Love Never Dies. Wow. Lion King just embraces that African savannah, whilst everything about Love Never Dies just is so glittery and lavishly. Aaaah!
17. A costume or a prop that you love?
I'm all in for Christine's Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again-dress. If I had to own one of her dresses it would definitely be that one!
18. You can only watch productions of one show for the rest of your life. Which show you choose and why?
Phantom of the Opera because I love the musical and it has so many layers. Everytime I watch it I notice something new (today for example I realized that Raoul actually is proposing to Christine when he sings All I Ask of You - the more you know....)!
19. Do you research the shows you consider seeing, or do you just pick a show to see and hope it’s good?
I listen to the cast recordings and watch some clips - a little research is always good so you don't waste your money. Usually I discover new, good shows because of an actor I'm a fan of is in it. :)
20. Your favourite act 1 ending?
A tie between Wicked's Defying Gravity and Phantoms chandelier crash.
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Idina Menzel as the wicked, green witch Elphaba defying gravity |
21. The most times you’ve ever seen the same show or production?
Does it have to be live? Because then I'd have to say twice (We Will Rock You and Love Never Dies). I've watched the DVD of Phantom's 25th anniversary more than twice though. FAVORITE THING.
22. A performance by an actor or an actress that has impressed you the most?
I feel like Phantom of the Opera is taking over this post, but I have to say Ramin Karimloo's take on the Phantom. Quite phenomenal! I am in love with his acting choices. I also really enjoy Louise Fribo's Christine in Love Never Dies - she owns the part! And sings like an angel - just watch this video and you'll know what I mean:
If that's not beautiful I don't know what is!
23. Have you ever walked out of a performance? If not, could you consider doing so?
Then it had to be really bad... but no, I don't think I'd do it. I'm one of those people who hates wasting money and hey, it can always surprise you in the end!
24. Do you collect theatre memorabilia? If so, feel free to show off your collection!
Unfortunately not! I always forget to buy the programmes :( Maybe I should start doing that.
25. You have to swap lives for a week with a character from one of your favourite shows. Who do you choose and why?
Though one! Hmm, I think Phantom actually? I think it'd be interesting to see how he sees the world. Maybe Elphaba from Wicked as well, since I'd like to know how it is being green - oh, and Angel from RENT because she knows how to own the life you've been giving! I could use a little of that.
26. A headcanon about your favourite show?
Raoul and Christine gets married and she discovers she is pregnant and when their son is 10 years old they move to New York to sing at Hammerstein's Operahouse only to discover that it's actually the Phantom that has lured them away from France so he can he reunited with his lost lover and write beautiful music again... wait, is that Love Never Dies? Sorry.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my answers and feel free to answer the questions as well! I also really hope you've had a wonderful weekend, will have some fantastic next 6 days and I'll see you next week! :)
Yours fondly,
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