So, I was looking through my ”Awesome stuff” playlist on YouTube, which consists of a few mockumentaries I watched a year or two ago. In short a mockumentary is a movie, television show or the like in which fictional events are shown and presented as a documentary. It is said to be mostly used for comedic or historic shows, but in the last couple of years they have become very popular in the horror genre.
Which, to me, makes totally sense, since the documentary styled movies which are presenting nothing but pure scary fiction, suddenly seems way more realistic to the point where you might question the fact that it really is nothing but fiction.
Well, as I was saying, I found some
mockumentaries and skipped through one of them to check out the cool and scary
parts that I remembered was in it, and as perfect as it could be, an annotation
was added by the makers of the film, mentioning their other films. Thank god it
is summer, because I just had to check out some of the other videos by the same
people – and if it was winter, it had been really dark out, and that would only
end one way: me shitting bricks! Sorry for the language!
Now it’s probably time to mention
the actual name of the film makers. They are called EnterViral on YouTube, and
the movies I just watched is called Covet and The Asylum, and was posted on YouTube in
Up till now, I have watched three of
their movies, all of them lasting about 45 minutes, so they are not that long,
but it is time enough to give you a few scares! And they are quite enjoyable,
so unless you literally die from watching horror movies (yes, I’m thinking of
you Becca) then watch these short mockumentaries.
The three movies from EnterViral
that I’ve watched so far are:
The Rake (November 2011)
Covet (January 2012)
The Asylum (July 2012)
What all of these movies have in
common, aside from being mockumentaries, is the fact that they have all ended
in the characters either disappearing or dying mysteriously where the cameras
have later been found, and it is also the same actors in all three movies. But
since they are short, and you don’t really get to see much of the characters
(because they are holding the camera filming), it doesn’t make them bad.
Other horror mockumentaries:
The Tunnel (2011) - watch here
Windigo (2011) - watch here
Paranormal Activity Series (2007 - ?)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
If you should know any awesome
horror mockumentaries or if you wish to get more mockumentary recommendations,
please leave a comment down below! Love you!
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