Wednesday, June 12, 2013

They're Gone!

Have you ever suddenly remembered an internet game you used to play when you were a kid? I certainly have, and what nostalgia it brings thinking about that one game. You might have forgotten the name, website, etc. for the game, but after a bit of research you finally know where to find the game. Except no game appears. And it is nowhere to be found.
I have experienced this SO many times now. The moment you realized the game, you loved as a child, has been removed from the internet by the owners, you feel stunned! Or at least I do.

 I mean, I understand that things cause websites to lock down, and therefore everything with them, but a game played by so many people, should be able to stay somehow. There are probably a lot of issues which makes it impossible, but my point is that it really is sad, when you realize that you will never be able to play that one game ever again.

It is very hard to recommend any games for you guys today, since the games I’m referring to is.. well.. removed! So I will just mention a few games, where I’ve experienced the feeling described above.

 Removed games:

 Hønespillet (the chicken game)
This game was created by the Danish company DanÆg, if I remember correctly, that has a website about pretty much just eggs. The game was about taking care of your own personal chicken with the goal of receiving and finding as many eggs as possible. The game was a 3dimensional game and did take a lot of time playing, since there was no “ending”,
– you just kept looking for new eggs.

You might know of this game, since it was an international one – though, if you’re a guy, I really hope you haven’t played this, haha. In the game you have a character that you can get all kinds of clothes and accessories for, and the game is pretty much about winning bitch fights against other girls by bullying them or ganging up on each other. Which, I am guessing, could be the reason why the game was taken down in the first place.

Kellogg's isn’t exactly one game. It was more like a place with a lot of different games which were, of course, about all of the Kellogg's characters. To be honest, I’m not even sure if this was online or on a disc, but what I know for sure is, that I’m probably never going to find it ever again, and I remember that I spend quite some time playing it. And that just makes it sadder when I know I won’t be playing it again.

Draw My Thing
I have even heard rumors that the ever-so-popular game Draw My Thing might not exist much longer on the internet, because the buyer of the game’s website OMGPOP made a bad decision and bought the site for much more than it was worth. This has resulted or will result in a lot of OMGPOP’s staff being put off work – and therefore: no more games. Let’s just hope that it is all rumors though, because that game is awesome!

I know I put a few Danish games in here which you may not know of, but my childhood consisted of pretty much only Danish games, so that’s how it is going to be. If you know where I can find any of the mentioned games or if you have had the same experience with a game as I have, feel free to comment below!


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