Monday, July 1, 2013


Today I want to talk about an absolute wonderful movie I watched a couple of months ago. I was having a kind of bad day and was in need of something to make me forget everything. And this movie certainly helped, even though I was weeping like a baby in the end. Not because it's that sad, but because it's an extremely well written and such a beautiful story.

I'm talking about the movie Once.

Set in Dublin it revolves around a Guy busting in the street and a Girl, who is a Czech immigrant who randomly meets. It is a story of friendship, love and the special bond music can create between people. 

I absolutely love everything about it; from the low-budget filming (which only adds its own charm!) to how natural and real Markéta Irglóva's and Glen Hansard's portrayals of the Guy and Girl is. It is such a real movie that really captures life with it's "raw" pictures and how unexpected it can turn out. Once really proves that as long as you have a story to tell, you do not need a lot of money or the most high-tech equipment. As long as you have your heart in it and makes the best of what you have in hand it'll work! 

The movie has a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack composed by Irglóva and Hansard and the song Falling Slowly actually won an Oscar. Don't fret when I'm mentioning it's a musical though, because it is so well made and the song just fits that it never seems very musical like. It is just a part of the story, just like the music is a part of the Guy and Girl lives.

I am a very, very big fan of it and I hope other people will give it a chance as well. It really deserves it.

Hope you have a brillant next week and happy July 1st!

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