Friday, May 31, 2013

Sound of Friday pt. II

A lot is going on with the sun shining and the exams and stuff. Today I am going to continue with my "Sound of Friday"-list so you have something to listen to in these hot busy days. Hope you all are having a good time, and if not, that you will now! Enjoy!

1. The Soul: Kimbra – Settle Down

2. The Feel Good: Noah And The Whale – L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N

3. The Hymn: Hymns of Nineveh – Anywhere with you

4. The Holiday-One: Eclectic Moniker – Easter Islands

5. The Religious: Alabama shakes – Hold on


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Recommended: Let's Play Videos


If you haven't already guessed it - the lack of enthusiasm on the blog this week is caused by a nice test all of us have been doing for the last three days! Lack of sleep has also been present, so for today's feature I'll be giving you a simple: 'Recommended videoes' post!
But of course it has to fit the usual theme on Wednesdays, so I will be posting different let's play videos made by some pretty cool guys!

Player: CoopCrowd - Wills & Henry
Game: Portal 2
Custom map: Flaming Lemons by YM_Industries

Player: Cry
Game: SCP Containment Breach
This is probably the first gameplay I ever saw with Cry. I must admit that first I thought his voice was weird, but THANK GOD that I still ckecked out his other videos! He is, after all, my favorite let's player of all time!

Player: AntVenom w/ friends
Game: Minecraft
Map: Teacher - Minecraft Minigame
Yup, you're not going to avoid any Minecraft videos. I apologise, but I just can't leave them out.
Player: Smosh - Ian & Anthony
Game: Amnesia

Player: PewDiePie
Game: Seaman
I hope that you can all see that clearly none of the above gameplays were very serious let's play sessions, but you can always check out their youtube channels to find better and longer gameplays, with great stories and of course great commentary!
Also, I have posted a feature about the two let's players PewDiePie and Cry, which can be found here.
That's all for today! I will see you all next week!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

My wish list

Okay, so I thought I might do something a bit exciting this time: A list! A list of the ten things I want the most in the whole wide world. Here you go: 

1) A boyfriend pillow, just like the one Kurt has in Glee

2) Summer. The weather in Denmark is really crappy and I don't want any more rain or wind. I want summer, sun and cloudless sky.

3) A drivers license 

4) To win a gold medal (preferably at the Olympic Games or the World Championship, but that might be a little out of my league at the moment...)

5) A day of unlimited shopping where I can buy anything without having to pay for it. It's always been a dream of mine, and I'm still hoping it'll come true one day. At the moment I'm counting on marrying a rich, handsome husband who can fund my crazy shopping.

6)  A pair of sunglasses designed for using during exercise. At the moment I am using my regular sunglasses and I seriously look like an idiot...

7) A better discipline so I can study instead of steeping. I'm on study leave at the moment which means I have no classes (but of course exams). Having no classes means that no one is expecting me to be up and about at 8 am in the morning  which results in me sleeping all day and doing no studying. 

8) Beautiful hands. At the moment my hands are all ugly with blisters, calluses and different cuts and bruises. Yeah, rowing makes your hand all nasty. It's absolute rubbish. 

9) To live in Scotland. I went there on a study trip and I fell completely in love with the country. I'm still wondering why I'm not a Scottish girl, or at least English. I think I would be much better Scot than a Dane.

10) aaaand I'm out if wishes... World peace i guess? 

What do you guys want the most? Please comment, I could do with a bit of inspiration for the last one (not that world peace isn't good, it's just so... universal. I mean everybody wants world peace right?)

That's all I have for now, see you next week!

Looooove Christine 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Roskilde '13

Summer is getting closer, the weather is getting better and the holidays are almost here now! All this meaning that the annual huge Danish festival is getting closer – Roskilde Festival! If you haven’t heard of it, it is a festival to be held every summer since 1971 in the Danish town Roskilde, and has its characteristics such as the big orange festival tent, the volunteers and charity.

The orange tent has become a symbol of the festival, and so has the orange color also become a feature of the festival. I really like the concept of the festival, because it is very enthusiastic people who volunteer to work at the festival, plus the volunteers get a free ticket to the festival, so it is kind of win-win. Plus the fact, that all the leftover money the festival make is given to charity. Not the worst thing people make by drinking beer and listening to music, huh?  Other than that, they always have big artist names side by side with very new, up-coming (or just unknown) names. There is always something to listen to, and you can always get inspired by all the different bands and genres.

I am very excited about this year’s festival, and can’t wait to hear all the lovely music and walk in all the dirt you don’t want to know, what is. Nevertheless I would like to present some of the bands I absolutely have to hear at this year’s Roskilde. 

And first of is Sigur Rós: An Icelandic band with enchanting sounds. They sing their own language, which is totally incomprehensible for me and yet it makes totally sense with the other sounds they make it is like the singing and the sounds melt together. 

The Danish band When Saints Go Machine is definitely also a band I want to hear this year. They play electronic instruments, makes breezy beats and the lead singer has a beautiful and delicate voice. They also sing in English, so it should be understandable for everyone!

One of my favorite artists is also visiting this year's Roskilde - James Blake that is! Poetic, beautiful, deep and depressive are some of the key words, but still to say that everything coming from that man is amazing! Hopefully I am able to see this beautiful creature (haha) since I also am a working volunteer.

Vinnie Who has become very popular in Denmark by now, and they are this year opening the Orange stage July 4th! I am a very happy longtime member fan and I look very much forward to see the disco/electro inspired band. 

Another band, I might have mentioned before, that also participates at Roskilde this year is Of Monsters and Men! They make awesome indie/folk tunes, and are actually from Iceland just as Sigur Rós! I bet those Icelanders get something from their beautiful surroundings..

Since I can't write that much about ALL the bands I want to hear, here is a little list of other bands I would like to hear: C2C, EfterklangVolbeatCrystal CastlesQueens of the Stone Age, The National, Disclosure, Chinese Man, QuadronAnimal Collective, Dead Can Dance, Indians and maybe I will check out Rihanna.

You can visit Roskilde Festival's webpage here, or you can even listen to a list with all of the names this year on youtube here!
Roskilde '13 is going to be great!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Transformers Prime

Hi mundane creatures - I've finally managed to get out of bed and share my daily dose of unimportant knowledge! Hooray Hooray
Today I'll talk about the most important thing in my life - and my future (yes, I can see into the future) - Robots, all of em 'robots!
More specified - the robots in the (not so new anymore) transformers prime series.
People often associate transformers with the transformers films, which are still pretty populare (one of the reasons is probably Megan Fox, who, with her feminine body pulled many male species at the cinema), but they must open their (robot) horizons - because transformers universe has so much more to offer.

Compared to the previous transformer series: G1 and Transformers Animated - the Transformers Prime series has really taken a step further animation wise. Never have I seen such detailed images, not to talk about the unique designs of the various robots ... It's like candy for the eyes! It is frankly a pleasure to watch - and it gives me a greater desire to be an animator!
 The story itself is perhaps not remarkably new: the Decepticons are trying to take over earth while the always courageous Autobots do their best to prevent it. But despite that the actual is series very appealing - each episode offers exciting plots and super cool fight scenes that makes you hang right on the edge of the chair.
Simultaneously, the various characters are just so brilliant - Their expressions, movements and feelings are expressed so beautifully on each of them, it's hard to choose a favorite. Therefore, it is so easy to be captivated by the series - when the characters are so lovable.
Because there are so many unique characters, it is also easy to identify yourself with at least one of them, which makes the experience that much richer. They may be made ​​of metal - but they have just as many feelings and dreams as people.
If you suddenly find yourself sitting alone in your room with nothing to do - you could always watch an episode of transformers prime, I promise you - you won't be dissapointed (if you are, you should be ashamed)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Herobrine's Mansion

Hi guys!

I finally have my long-awaited holiday, which means that I got a lot of time on my hands. So I have been playing the ever-so-popular game Minecraft for a couple of days. You have no idea how huge my love for that game is. It’s so simple but then again so huge, beautiful and adventurous. Here's a short post about a map I tried out!
Herobrine's Mansion
Source: Hypixel's website
Well, my friend Angie and I were playing Minecraft together, and he mentioned a map called “Herobrine’s Mansion” by Hypixel, which I soon downloaded to my computer.
I tried it out in single player on easy mode, which I found to be.. well.. extremely lonely somehow. And very hard! There are way too many enemies for one person to handle, and the enormous world made me feel very tiny and very alone. But then Angie saved me by agreeing to play it with me, so I set up a server for us to play on, and we began our adventures.

The game took us about 1-2 hours to finish and consisted of six pretty cool boss fights and of course many fights against custom made monsters around the map. The map was unbelievably amazing and since I didn’t feel so alone anymore the game experience was perfect.
Find the map here:
It is a very well-made map where you do quests around and inside a big mansion, where you in the end will meet Herobrine – a guy I find very scary – and hopefully beat him!
The map looks great, and you can easily see that a lot of time has been put into the making of it.
The map can be played in both single player mode and multiplayer mode, but I really recommend playing “Herobrine’s Mansion” with a good friend of yours!
If you ever feel like playing "Herobrine's Mansion", here's a little hint for you: Some zombies may be very small - but those are your worst enemy and you should not take them lightly!

Other map recommendations by Hypixel:
Herobrine's Return - the sequal to Herobrine's Mansion

By the way; if you ever meet me on one of the many Minecraft servers out there, feel free to say hello!
My username is ShiaTheChatbox, and I look like this:
That's all for today, I'll see you next Wednesday!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What to eat and drink when you're hung over

The summer is approaching fast, and I don’t know about you, but for me that means no school and lots of alcohol. And while being drunk is fun, freeing and festive, hangovers are not. Here I have collected some of the things you should eat or drink when you’re hung over and cuddles up under a mountain of blankets – enjoy!


Water: You already knew that one, didn’t you. If you’re not too drunk, drink a glass of water before bed, that will balance out your body’s fluid balance. If you’re too pissed to do that, drink a large glass of water when you wake up. Water helps your body hydrate. So extra thumbs up to water!

Fruit juice: When having hangovers your blood sugar levels will be quite low and that might contribute to your headache. Fruit juice contains natural sugar (if you buy the right kind, that is!) and will give your body the kick it needs and it may even help to boost the metabolism so your body can get rid of the nasty chemicals faster. It also hydrates your body and contains vitamins.

Tea: Tea, what the hell can’t it do?! Tea is a wonderdrink, so of course it’s good for hangovers. Especially ginger or peppermint tea will work wonders for your pounding head.

Pickle juice
: Nasty? Yes. Have I ever tried it? No. Does it work? Probably? But if you look upon this advice scientifically, it actually makes sense. Pickle juice contains vinegar, salt and water, which can all help rehydrate and replenish sodium levels. You can drink some before you hit the city and some the morning after. BONUS: You can actually get it as an ice pop ... 

I know, you think your body is craving a big, fat slice of greasy pizza or a burger. But actually, what your body needs is healthy stuff – all the things you don’t feel like eating but should.

Bananas: Bananas are loaded with potassium, which gets flushed out with the water when the alcohol dehydrates your body. Not enough potassium can make you feel nauseous and tired – sounds familiar? Other potassium-loaded foods are spinach and kiwi.

Eggs: Eggs are super good for you, hung over or not. They contain a butt load of protein that will stabilize the blood sugar levels, and also distribute to the lever functions. Go egg!

Crackers and honey: Sounds odd? It actually isn’t. Honey is full of antioxidants and fructose in a concentrated form, which will flush out the remaining toxic chemicals faster. The cracker doesn’t really have a function on its own – it’s just there to guide the honey down.

Noodles: It’s not exactly healthy, but noodles contain a lot of sodium, something your body is lacking after a wild night out. Also, water.

Vegetables: Most vegetables contain cysteine, which gives the lever a boost – much needed I may add.

Ginger: Ginger is a well-known cure for nausea and settling an upset stomach – AKA great for hangovers. I’m not saying you should begin eating raw ginger slices – that’s just not pleasant -but a slice of in your tea or some in a smoothie will do wonders. Ginger biscuits will also do the job!

Watermelon: Tons of water and vitamins – just what your body needs. Watermelon is also high in fructose.

I hope you will find this useful and that you’ll all have a fantastic summer!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Eurovision love en masse

In honor of Denmark winning the Eurovison Song Contest this Saturday night and just because I love everything Eurovision so dearly I've decided I wanted to talk to you about my favorite part of the year and present a few (okay, a lot) of my favorite songs in a playlist on Spotify I've compiled just for you (or well, also myself but whatever):

Click HERE in order to see and listen to the whole playlist!

I can't believe Denmark actually won. Last time we won was back in 2000 with the Olsen Brothers and their song Fly on the Wings of Love - something I did not experience since my love for Eurovision was born the year after when Denmark was to host the big finale. I remember being extremely fascinated by the hostess big, pink princess gown and not being able to keep myself awake. Which was a shame since AQUA performed while people were voting.

After that experience it has been something I've watched every year and obsessed quite a lot over. I can talk about it for hours without getting tired of it and there's just something so incredibly amazing about so many countries coming together to sing, dance and party. I like the way it brings people together despite differences such as language and cultural views. There is no barrier when it's about music.

Sure, Eurovision has its bad sites - for example when they held the show last year in Baku and they tore down several of buildings in order to build the big arena, but also the contestants coming from corrupt countries - but it is also, as mentioned before, something that brings joy and happiness and unity. It shows how a lot of people can work in collaboration in order to get the best show possible.

Talking about the best show possible: If I had a top three over my absolute favorite shows Sweden's would definitely be in the top! I loved their funny features (especially with the EBU-woman going around showing the world Sweden - and a bit of Copenhagen as well) and the wave of goosebumps that washed over me when the grand finale started. The song "We write the story" and the people walking with the flags were a perfect combination and a perfect start to a perfect night with a perfect result.

So yeah, as you can tell, I'm quite passionate about it and I will proceed to watch it every.single.year. It's - after all - the best night of the year and every year when the last bit of credits roll over the screen I start getting excited for next year. Which will be held in Denmark! Fingers crossed it'll be in Copenhagen! But whereever they decide it's going to be held I'm sure going to be there. I wouldn't want to miss it for anything.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Copenhagen Regatta

Today I have had the most exciting, challenging, exhausting, mind-blowing, fucking awesome day in a long, long time (when it comes to rowing, that is, I do actually do awesome stuff apart from rowing...) Today, I participated in my first ever outdoor regatta, and oh Lord, it was one hell of an experience! 

The regatta was called Copenhagen Regatta and there were races for all possible ages and classes. I entered two races: A single scull beginner race and a double scull fitness race.

The single scull race a 1000 meter race for first time regatta-participators. It doesn't matter if you have sat in a single sculler four times (like me) or been rowing in a single scull for a whole season, as ling as you have never entered a race before. As it turned out my opponent was most likely the latter, and she absolutely kicked my arse. I mean seriously, I came over the finish line 45 seconds after her... But I really couldn't care less because I had so much fun which was the whole point in doing this! And my trainers were all very pleased with me, so I couldn't be more satisfied!

My second race, three hours after my first, was in a double sculler with my one of my very good friends from the club, who has rowed about as long as I have. This race was a fitness race, which means everybody can enter, no matter age or experience. Soooo, I got my arse kicked yet again, but actually not as hard as in the single sculler. Afterwards I was told that we were actually close at beating number 2! 

All things considered I couldn't have had a better day, and I am quite certain that I will be the one kicking arse at my next regatta! And after today I am extra, extra motivated for giving all I've got at practice every time!

Until we meet again


Friday, May 17, 2013

Sound of Friday

Hi everyone!
Since I am really busy this week with school, exhibition opening and other stuff this will be a very short post. I have made a very long list of songs with small titles, a bit like when you categorize the persons in your class to be "the creative" or "the sporty" and stuff. Well, here's five of those for you, and I bet there will be more some other week, since I got plenty!

1. The Cover: Ben Howard – Call me maybe

2. The Voice: Asaf Avidan & The Mojos – Your Anchor

3. The Plague: Psy - Gentleman

4. The 'Must Hear': Of Monsters and Men – Little Talks

5. The Brain-Sticky One: James Blake - Retrograde

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Zombie Boy

I said in my introduction that I would talk about different subjects, and as I can see I still haven't wrote anything about tattoo's so this thursday is (if you haven't already guessed) going to be about tattoos!

Meet my idol and future husband - Zombie boy.  
Rick Genest (aka ''Zombie boy'') is a Canadian artist and fashion model born in Lasalle, Montreal. As you can see the majority of his body is covered with skeletal tattoos - hence the nickname ''Zombie Boy''.
The tattoo adventure startet when Genest, at the age of 19, visited Montreal tattoo artist Frank Lewis. Frank Lewis was responsible for the tattoo design and application of it onto body - the tattoo proces has taken over six years and cost several thousand dollars. He explains his body work to be his "anarchistic transitive pictograph verbalization to the world''.
He began to work at freakshows and sideshows across Canada as the living skeleton he had become. Soon the media noticed him - and his fame began to grow little be little.  
Suddenly he featured in ''Bizarre'' magasin and in the new Thierry Mugler Autumn/Winter mens collection, got his own facebook page with more than 1,5 million fans, was made into a scupture by the famous artist Marc Quinn.
They fame continued - and in  2011, Genest was featured in Lady Gaga's video for "Born This Way", with Lady Gaga wearing makeup to replicate Genest's tattoos.
I really love Rick Genest - I think it's incredibly brave to get your whole body redone that way and at the same time incredibly beautiful. Frank Lewis has really succeeded in creating a living work of art in the form of Genest tattooed body - I adore it.
There's just something people who dares to differ from society, its norms and values ​​- and I find myself constantly being drawn to it.

Sofie over and out.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Courage the Cowardly Dog

It’s time for another Wednesday post! Hello everybody!

 I’m pretty sure that all of you know the old cartoon series: Courage the Cowardly Dog, which originally ran for four seasons from November 12, 1999 to November 22, 2002. You know – the small pink dog living with the old couple, Muriel and Eustace Bagge. The dog that is very afraid of pretty much everything, but at the same time is one of the bravest cartoon characters out there.
That Courage!

As I looked through my creepypasta app on my phone, I found a few “Courage the Cowardly Dog: Lost episodes” stories and decided to read them. Just to realize that they didn’t really seem like creepypastas. I mean, yes, they did have the elements of a creepypasta in them, but I just figured that there just isn’t that much difference between the creepypastas and the real series.
Therefore Courage the Cowardly Dog got a place on the blog today.

I watched the show when I was about 8 or 9, I’m not quite sure, but what I am sure of is, that it was one of my favorite cartoons when I was younger. But right now, at the age of 18, I really don’t understand how I dared to watch the show, and why my parents even let me watch it!
I watched a couple of episodes yesterday, and I must admit that it’s a pretty funny cartoon, which could be the reason as to why I watched it as little.
But there are just too many elements that I do NOT find fit to young children, and I will be showing you a few pictures from the series which may or may not get my point through.

This should definitely not be on a kid's show!

Ramses; I did not watch this episode when I was younger, but it is said to be one of the creepiest episodes in the series, because of this guy.

Can someone please tell me why this was even in the series? Hint: Let's just say she is a nice jump scare in one of the episodes.

Freaky Fred - do I even need to say more?

I mean, who doesn't think a gloomy banana is scary?
Well, that was all for today! If you know any cartoons which scared the shit out of you when you were younger or now, feel free to mention it in the coments below!
Until next time; Live life good!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Songs that'll cheer you up instantly

I think we all can use a little light at the moment - especially now that it's soon time for some seriously studying and some scary, scary exams.

Where do I want to go with this? I simply want to show you a few of my favorite musical songs I always listen to when I'm having a bad day. Or when I feel like I need a little epicness in my life. Also, they'll be in random order since there's so many good ones out there! Yeephe!

Matilda: The Musical is one of my recent favorite soundtracks, and this song, When I Grow Up, is simply brilliant. I love how talented these kids are and how innocent the song is!

I think I've mentioned before but Dancing Through Life from Wicked is definitely one of the songs I always put on whenever I'm feeling a little sad. Just listen to the wise words of Fiyero and school won't matter anymore.

Sierra Boggess is one of my all time favorite actresses when it comes to musical theatre and her rendition of Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from Phantom of the Opera is nothing but absolutely breathtaking - it brings it to a whole new level! I aspire to be her one day.

Feeling a little down? Listen to Totally Fucked from Spring Awakening! The energy, the beat, the lyrics - I am in love! 

I remember getting home from the cinema where I've watched Hairspray and not being able to get Without Love out of my head. This is still one of my favorites and I feel so lucky I've actually seen it being performed live! 

I actually always put on some Newsies whenever I need a little motivation or just something to smile over. These songs are the best and Carrying the banner is one of my favorites from the soundtrack! One day - one fine day - I'll watch it live and cry because I'm so happy!

If there's something that's fun it's definitely The Book of Mormon and this song might be the best shower-song you could ever choose. Listen to it, watch Andrew Ranells cuteness and fall in love with I Believe.

Next to Normal is perfect and so is I've Been! It's impossible for me to count all the times I've been standing in front of my mirror rocking out to this one.

And last but not least, 

Seasons of Love from RENT. I don't know how much I need to say about it, other than it is freaking perfect and beautiful and so, so uplifting. It makes me want to embrace everything life can offer me!

Do you have any favorite songs?