Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ghost Party


Here is just a quick feature from me today. I found a cute little indie game which I decided to try out. The game is called “Ghost Party” and is an RPG styled game, and I found the game randomly on an indie games website.

The game is about a lonely ghost in a big house and one of the ghost’s favorite hobbies is to check out the people who live in the house. But murders start happening in the house, and it is the ghost’s job to find the killer.
At first I wasn’t really sure what to think about the game as I was just walking, or rather floating, around in the house and clicking on everyone and everything to either hear some random stuff or to receive random stuff. But then the first person died and turned into a ghost, and I realized that I was the one who had to catch the killer. The game finally made sense to me.
It’s pretty much a puzzle game. The people or flying bats asks for things and you have to find them for them to get further into the case and in the end solve it. The game had a very cute design, and if you read some of the things it says when you click on furniture, people, etc. then you will see that it is actually a quite funny game. The ending does seem kind of rushed though which makes me sad, but it seems like there are three possible endings to get!
Well, if you don’t think a ghost wearing fanny pack and bats paying the house bills are awesome, then I’m not so sure if you’re even human. So download the game! It takes about… 3 seconds to download, and the game is totally free!
Download the game here: Ghost Party

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