Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rowing is passion!

Weekend at last! What we have all been looking forward to all week has finally arrived and it is now time to relax, have a nice time with your friends and family and most important of all sleep. A lot. Or at least, that is what I suspect most people will be doing, because that is not exactly what I am doing. I woke up at 7 am this morning and while I am sitting and writing this I am getting mentally ready for a way too early training session at 9 am. I honestly have no idea why the trainers in my club want us to train so early every goddamn weekend. I mean, who on earth is ready to go train the hell outta you at 9 o'clock in the morning??? As you might have guessed I am not. Even though I always wake up two hours before training I am still not mentally awake and I suspect I look more like a zombie then a person. I think the deal with this early training session is that we can get training over with quickly and afterwards be able to do stuff in the afternoon and evening with our friends and family. I do see the point and it is rather sensible, but honestly the first thing I usually do after a morning training is go home and sleep or do nothing productive at all because I am so tired...

Well, enough of me complaining about the ungodly hour of my training in the weekends, what I really wanted to show you today was this video I found on youtube. It is the Austrian rowing crew just being awesome to even more awesome music. This last week I have watched it  very, very many times and every time I see it I can't help think "This is why I row". I mean just look how awesome they are! You can almost feel how the boat moves with every stroke they take, and the perfect water and just how f***ing fantastic rowing is! Okay, I might be a bit too excited, but what the hell, I like it.  

Also, I thought this little video might give you an idea of what rowing is, if you were wondering. I mean, before I started rowing I had absolutely no idea what it was, how you did it or what the boats look like. So here you go. And also, all creds for the video goes to the Austrian crew. I wish one day I will be just as good at rowing as these guys are! At the moment I am just trying to stay in the boat and avoid falling in the water but I suppose it will come soon... My tainer told me that I will be a good rower when I have rowed 4000 km. At the moment I have rowed 130 km in total. I have a long way to go...

Okay admitted, while I wrote this, I might have listened to the video... More than once... Actually three times... I should really use my time for more productive things than watching rowing videos on the internet... I should probably train instead, so I can row my 4000 km and be good.

Also, I should probably go now or else I will be terribly late for training.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and please drink responsible everybody

Love Christine


  1. Hvordan begyndte du til roning i så relativ sen en alder? :) Jeg mener, det er bare sjældent man høre om nogle begynde at gå til en ny sport når de bliver ældre :) Kunne være sjovt at høre hvordan du begyndte til roning, hvis du ikke tidligere havde noget med sejlning at gøre :) For mig virker det nemlig som et ret lukket miljø, hvor man tit er vokset op i det med forældre eller lign. der tidligere sejlede. :)

    1. Jeg ved egentlig ikke helt, hvordan jeg kom på at starte til roning, for du har ret, det er vist ret sent at starte som 17 årig. Men jeg så, der blev afholdt en sommerroskole for unge i sommerferien i min lokale roklub, og så tænkte jeg, at det da var noget jeg skulle prøve, da jeg lige havde været på kanotur, og synes det var enormt sjovt. Og jo, på sin vis er det et ret lukket miljø, men når man først viser interesse for det, er folk enormt søde dernede og meget velkomne :) Jeg tænker, at jeg på lørdag skriver et indlæg om hvordan jeg startede, så hvis du er mere interesseret kan du jo læse med der ;)
